Dance Theatre Diary VII • The Story Of......  舞蹈劇場《日記 VII • 我來給你講個故事.....

7:30pm - 9:10pm
Main Hall, Shaw Auditorium

In the wee hours of the morning with the moon lingering, Mui Cheuk Yin and her feline companion walk on tiptoes in the old city amid the dim light, dropping myriad forms of shadows on the dew-strewn cardboards…


Diary VII The Story Of......  belongs to the Diary project started by our iconic dancer and choreographer, Mui Cheuk Yin in 1986. The series chronicles her childhood in China, her body and her dance career. In Diary VII, Mui chronicles her stories with stray cats through text, images, sounds, and her agile moves to find subtle parallels between feline traits and her philosophy in life. The shrewd and astute gazes of the cats seem to penetrate beyond the ephemeral nature of the city over the years. With its delicate steps and gentle moves, the cats appear to caress the wounds suffered by the fading city. "Diary VII" was awarded Outstanding Choreography and Outstanding Small Venue Production at the 23rd Hong Kong Dance Awards 2022.


After the performance, there will be a post-performance sharing where Mui Cheuk Yin and lighting designer Lee Chi Wai will delve into the creative process behind Diary VII. We invite you to join us and gain insights into the making of this exceptional performance.




香港著名舞蹈家梅卓燕由1986年開始編作舞蹈劇場《日記》系列,曾記錄童年時在中國的生活,女性身體的變化,以及她的舞蹈生涯。《日記VII 我來給你講個故事…… 》透過文字、光影、聲音,揉合如水的身段及身體的印記,書寫多年來與流浪貓同行的經歷。通過貓咪狡黠而機敏的眼晴,凝視世界變遷,倒影我城明暗。豎起尾巴,走過年月輪替;踮起腳尖,撫滑生命感知;垂首舔舐,逐漸消逝的舊城故事。《日記 VII》在「香港舞蹈年獎 2022 」分別獲得傑出編舞以及傑出小型場地舞蹈製作。 


演出結束後將設有演後談,舞蹈家梅卓燕和燈光設計師李智偉與觀眾分享《日記 VII》的創作過程,歡迎參與。


Choreographer/ Dancer: Mui Cheuk Yin  編舞/演出:梅卓燕

Mui Cheuk-yin received training in Chinese classical and ethnic dance in Hong Kong. She joined the Hong Kong Dance Company from 1981 to 1990 as the principal dancer. In 1985, she won the Hong Kong Young Choreographer Competition and received a scholarship to study modern dance in New York. Mui became an independent choreographer / dancer / teacher in the 90s. Under the auspices of Asian Cultural Council, she took part in the International Choreographer’s Programme at the American Dance Festival and performed at the East & West Center, University of Hawaii.  Mui was often commissioned by CCDC, the Hong Kong Dance Company and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts to create new works.


Mui is an internationally renowned solo artist and dance ambassador for Hong Kong. Her work focuses on exploring human emotions and relationships. Her choreography has a distinctive aesthetic voice and, while contemporary, often incorporates Chinese elements. Her unwavering commitment and passion to strive for the best in dance has earned her numerous honours from the Hong Kong community, including four Hong Kong Dance Awards (2000, 2001, 2009, 2013) and the Distinguished Achievement Award (2012) presented by the Hong Kong Dance Alliance and the award of Artist of the Year by The Hong Kong Arts Development Council (2021) for her dedication and long-standing commitment to developing dance in Hong Kong. 


Her major works include Awakening in a DreamCursive ScriptFragrant GardenWater MusicE-motionAs Quick as SilverStories about Certain WomenEulogyla graceBetween Bow and StringOf Grandeur and DesolationKinetic Body OperaticsPink LilyOctober RedDuet 3XThe Enigma of Desire – Dali vs GalaLot˙us, Shui in Feng˙ShuiDesperately Seeking Miss BlossomSeason N in Seasonal SyndromesLove Accidentally, The Tales of Miles in Triptych and Diary VI – Applause…, etc.


She has been invited to many international arts festivals including Hong Kong Arts Festival (1994, 2001), Belgium International Arts Festival (1994), Lisbon Culturgest (1995), Re:Orient Dance Festival in London (1995), Hong Kong Festival at the Berlin Tacheles (1996), la Biennale du danse de Val-de-Marne (1997), Ein Fest in Wuppertal 25th & 35th (1998, 2008), Venice Biennial Dance Festival (1999), Dancing-World Festival in Copenhagen (2000), the Lyon Biennale de la Danse (2000), Beijing Modern Dance Festival 2001, Dance Biennale Tokyo (2002) and the Images of Asia Festival in Copenhagen (2003). In 2000, Mui was invited by Pina Bausch & Folkwang Tanzstudio to choreograph Whispering Colour and to perform as a guest dancer in The Rite of Spring with Tanztheatre Wuppertal.









Lighting Designer: Lee Chi Wai  燈光設計師:李智偉

Born in Hong Kong in 1977.

Active in the Hong Kong dance community as a stage designer.

At the beginning of his career, he was fortunate enough to work in the technical department of the City Contemporary Dance Company. During that period of time, he met many people and things that had a far-reaching impact on the future.

Now in a passive but concentrated stage of creation, he hopes to keep his head clear in this big era and insist on making works that he will remember later.

Design works include Chou Shu-yi & Cheng Chih-chung: The CenterAfter the Deluge by Kingsley Ng, Almost 55 choreographed by Chou Shu-Yi, OnView:Hong Kong-West Kowloon Freespace- by Sue Haley, SoLow choreographed by Lai Tak Wai.






近年作品 ─

周書毅 x鄭志忠《阿忠與我》


城市當代舞蹈團・周書毅編舞《Almost 55 喬楊》

Sue Haley編舞《觀・影OnView-西九自由約》

黎德威編舞《So Low》



Click HERE  


*A workshop is scheduled the day after the performance for audiences to sign up. 演出翌日設有工作坊,歡迎觀眾報名參與*

Diary VII • The Story Of...... Workshop 《日記 VII • 我來給你講個故事.....》工作坊

Date 日期: Oct 17, 2024 (Thu)

Time 時間: 6:30 PM

Venue: Main Hall, Shaw Auditorium 逸夫演藝中心

Quota 名額: 30 (First-come, first-served 先到先得)

Target Participant 對象: Participants aged 6 or above are welcome

Learn More 詳情: Click HERE



  • Free admission
  • Online registration is required.
  • Please arrive at the venue 15 minutes before the showtime.
  • Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted.
  • With post-performance sharing session (Cantonese) .



  • Free-seating on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • No food or drink is allowed.
  • Unauthorized photo-taking, audio or video recording is strictly prohibited.
  • Late-comers will be admitted only if there is a suitable break in the performance.
  • The organizer reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/or vary advertised programs, seating arrangement and audience capacity.


Event Format
Speakers / Performers:
Mui Cheuk Yin
Speakers / Performers:
Lee Chi Wai
Recommended For
Faculty and staff
General public
HKUST Family
PG students
UG students
More Information

Location & Transport



The University allows hourly parking for non-registered visitors' vehicles during weekends and public holidays. For more information, please visit the website

Shaw Auditorium Unit
Center for the Arts

Click HERE

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