Guest Seminar - Decomposition and Coordination for the Control of Process Networks
The optimal control of large-scale interconnected chemical plants, i.e., process networks, is a fundamental problem in the theory and practice of contemporary process control. This demands a structured and scalable approach with effective methods of decomposing process networks into constituent subsystems and coordinating the controllers’ decisions for subsystems. With the perspective of network science, community detection is proposed to reveal the underlying block structures in the network representations of control systems, which generates decompositions with reduced computational cost and retained control performance. For subsystem controller coordination, distributed optimization is adopted to guarantee the optimal solution for the monolithic system, and efficient and real-time implementable algorithms are developed to overcome the computational challenge of applying distributed optimization in control. The methods are applied to multiple benchmark systems, from small-scale models to industrial plantwide processes. Future research directions of scaling up model-free data-driven control and black-box derivative-free optimization using decomposition and coordination, along with potential application areas, are also discussed.
Wentao Tang was born in Hunan Province, P. R. China. He received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering with a secondary degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Tsinghua University, Beijing, in 2015, and his Ph. D. degree in Chemical Engineering at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, in 2020. After graduation he has been working in Houston as a Process Control Engineer at Shell Global Solutions (U.S.) Inc., leading multiple R&D projects for the development of Shell’s advanced process control software — Platform of Advanced Control and Estimation (PACE). He has authored 19 journal papers and 8 proceedings papers. He was a recipient of Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship of University of Minnesota for 2018—2019, and the 1st place in CAST Directors' Student Presentation Award of the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting. His current research interests include data-driven control through machine learning, structured and scalable algorithms for distributed and black-box optimization, as well as decision making for large-scale and multi-scale systems.