Global Engagement & Empowerment Forum on Sustainable Development (GEEF) 2021 - 
3Ps (Peace, Prosperity and Partnership) Beyond Security

8:00am - 4:00pm

In March 2020, UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for a global ceasefire “to put armed conflict on lockdown and focus together on the true fight of our lives,” the coronavirus pandemic.

This Forum plans to shed light on the importance and necessity of the multilateral partnership and multisectoral responses to COVID-19. As the international community coordinated responses to COVID-19, GEEF has at first hand realized the vulnerabilities of existing partnerships centered on a few developed countries. Consequently, the need for global solidarity and support among governments, businesses, and civil society organizations has become more important than ever.

Therefore, global leaders and experts from various fields will discuss and explore ways of effective partnerships that go beyond the existing limitations in GEEF 2021. In particular, the round table session will specifically focus on global partnership through multilateral cooperation and multisectoral partnerships to combat COVID-19.


The Programme for GEEF 2021 will prioritize four key areas in six featured sessions:
Monitoring and Evaluating UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the blueprint for Sustainable Development through

1) Redesign our Future: The UN SDGs, 5 years and the next 10 years Science, Technology and Innovation for SDGs through

2) AI for SDGs Society for SDGs on through

3) Creative Solutions for a Sustainable Society and

4) Health Partnerships for Healthy Lives and Well-being through

5) Global Partnership and Higher Education and

6) Future of Higher Education, Higher Education of the Future


GEEF 2021 Program Schedule

Day 1 - February 4 (Thur) 08:00 - 21:30 HKT 

Day 2 - February 5 (Fri) 07:00 - 15:35 HKT 

Learn more about the program 

(Note: program time is shown in KST)


It is our hope that discussions offered through featured sessions at GEEF 2021 on how to improve partnerships would lead to shared prosperity and promote peaceful societies. The concept of ‘Security’ can be extended to cover not only diplomacy and national defense but also various dimensions that can lead to transnational insecurity, e.g., climate change, mass migration, widening inequalities, water scarcity, biodiversity loss, and deforestation. GEEF 2021 hopes that this year’s forum will serve as a venue for the global community to discuss how to build 3Ps beyond security to rebuild our society’s resilience for the postCOVID-19 era.


About GEEF

The Global Engagement & Empowerment Forum on Sustainable Development (GEEF), co-hosted by the Institute for Global Engagement & Empowerment (IGEE), Ban Ki-moon Foundation for a Better Future, and Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, is an annual international event where all stakeholders, including global leaders and experts, convene to collaborate towards accomplishing the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Recommended For
Faculty and staff
HKUST Family
PG students
UG students
Global Engagement & Greater China Affairs
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