Viennese Legacy Chamber Music Concert Series - Concert VIII by Kitty Cheung & Evelyn Chang
7:30pm - 9:00pm
Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall


Kitty CHEUNG, Violin
Evelyn CHANG, Piano


Haydn          Violin Sonata No. 2 in D major
Mozart          Violin Sonata in E flat major, K. 380
Beethoven  Violin Sonata in C minor, Op. 30 No. 2



Kitty CHEUNG, Violin

Dr. Kitty Cheung, Associate Concertmaster of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, first violinist of Romer String Quartet, co-founder of Contrast Trio (violin-saxophone-piano), and adjunct lecturer at the Hong Kong Baptist University. Over the years, she has performed in London Symphony Orchestra and Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, and has worked with conductors including Valery Gergiev, Pierre Boulez and Sir Colin Davis. She led ensembles which made recordings for Loft Records, New World Records and Bridge Records, the latter of which was nominated for a Latin Grammy.

She has given solo recitals in Germany, Vienna, UK, USA, Thailand, Hong Kong and Shanghai, and made solo appearances with orchestras including the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra. She has also recorded broadcast performances for BBC Radio 3 and Radio Television Hong Kong. She has given masterclasses at Lakes Area Chamber Music Festival (USA), Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music (Thailand), Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Institute of Education, and Kinta Valley Symphonic Society (Malaysia). As a member of the Romer String Quartet she performed at Carnegie Hall, and taught chamber music at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Ensemble-in-Residence 2014-15), Macao Polytechnic Institute, Modern Academy 2014, and Kota Kinabalu String Music Festival. She also often gives educational workshops, including the Chamber Tots Series in Wigmore Hall, London.

Cheung holds Doctor of Musical Arts degree and Performer’s Certificate from the Eastman School of Music, where she also won prizes in excellence in teaching, excellence in chamber music and Lecture Recital Prize for the best doctoral lecture recital. She was also appointed the Teaching Assistant of Professor Charles Castleman. Prior to that, she received Master of Music and Master in Music Performance (Guildhall Artist) degrees, both with distinction from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Her teachers include Lin Yao-Ji, Ho Hong-Ying, Charles Castleman, David Takeno and Zvi Zeitlin.


Evelyn CHANG, Piano

Evelyn Chang is a Taiwan-born artist with a diverse cultural background that easily allows her to effortlessly navigate the East and the West. She moved to London at age 13 to study at the Purcell School of Music, and soon gave regular concerts in Europe and the UK; including performance at the Buckingham Palace in the presence of Prince Charles. Evelyn completed her musical training at the Royal College of Music, and gave her London debut in 2004 at the South Bank Centre. The resounding critical success of this performance led to collaborations with international artists, and she joined the distinguished Steinway family as a Steinway Artist in 2012.

Evelyn’s debut recording with violist Maxim Rysanov on Avie Records received numerous awards and was picked as Editor’s Choice by Gramophone, BBC Music and Muzik Magazine in 2007. Her 2009 debut solo album Poets from the East also released by Avie Records garnered high praise for both the concept and her high quality of playing. Her other recordings include a recital album with clarinetist Cristo Barrios of new music for clarinet and piano released by RALS Records; Mahakali, a limited edition improvisation album with saxophonist Paul Dunmall on Duns Records and several improvisation recordings on FMR Records.

Evelyn has been actively involved in promoting new music, working with renowned composers Ed Bennet, Diana Burrell, John Casken, Elena Firsova, Brian Irvine, Elena Langer, Simon Mawhinny, Fumiko Myachi, and Dobrinka Tabakova. In 2010, she gave the première of Tabakova’s The Quest  Piano Concerto with the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong. Evelyn is equally active on the chamber music platform, collaborating with outstanding musicians and groups such as Douglas Boyd, Cho Liang Lin, David Cohen, Paul Dunmall, the Brian Irvine Ensemble, Ning Feng, Roman Mints, Alexander Sitkovetsky, Maxim Rysanov, and Jian Wang to name only a selected few.

She teaches at the University of Hong Kong.

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