HKUST Arts for Fall 2024 - Image and Sound : Georges and Louis Schwizgebel

7:30pm - 9:00pm
Main Hall, Shaw Auditorium

Georges and Louis Schwizgebel, father and son, offer a journey through animation and music, inspired by the legends of "The Damnation of Faust", "Cinderella", and "Erlking", in a dialogue between image and sound.

Georges 和 Louis Schwizgebel - 才華橫溢的父子,將為我們帶來一場獨特的視聽盛宴。節目靈感源自於經典傳說《浮士德的天譴》、《仙履奇緣》及《魔王》,兩人以不同的媒介進行一場影像與音樂之間的對話。

*The event is funded by the Home Affairs Department.


Animation Director 動畫導演:  Georges Schwizgebel

Piano Performance 鋼琴演奏: Louis Schwizgebel


Program : 

Piano : Mendelssohn, Prélude op. 35 n. 5  

Film : The Girl and the Clouds


Piano : Schubert-Liszt, Der Wanderer 

Film : The Man Without a Shadow


Piano : Chopin, Mazurka op. 63 n. 3 – Nocturne op. 48 n. 1 

Film : The Ride to the Abyss


Piano : Schubert, Sonate D. 958 4th movement

Film : Romance


Piano : Schubert-Liszt, Du bist die Ruh

Piano and film : Erlkönig




動畫: 《The Girl and the Clouds》


鋼琴: 李斯特編曲舒伯特作品 | 流浪者幻想

動畫: 《The Man Without a Shadow》


鋼琴: 蕭邦 | 馬祖卡舞曲 作品63第3 號– c小調第一號夜曲

動畫: 《The Ride to the Abyss》


鋼琴: 舒伯特 | 奏鳴曲 D. 958 第四樂章

動畫: 《Romance》


鋼琴: 李斯特編曲舒伯特作品 | 你帶來寧靜

鋼琴及動畫: 《Erlkönig》



Georges Schwizgebel

Born 1944 in Switzerland, Georges Schwizgebel is a well-known figure in contemporary animation film. He has made 16 short films up until now and won numerous prizes at international film festivals. 78 R.P.M. (1985) and The Ride to the Abyss (1992) rank among the hundred most influential animated films on a list published by the Festival d’Annecy and the magazine Variety in 2006.

In 2002, The Girl and the Clouds won the Best Short Film Award and in 2016, Erlköing won the Best Animated Film Award in Swiss Film Awards. Schwizgebel received an Honorary Cristal at the Annecy Festival in 2017 and the Honorary Swiss Film Award in 2018. He was named a member of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (France) in 2019 and was given the Lifetime Achievement Award at Animafest in Zagreb in 2020.


1944年出生於瑞士,Georges Schwizgebel 是當代動畫電影的知名人物。他至今已創作了16部短片,並在國際影展上獲得多項獎項。1985年的《78 R.P.M.》和1992年的《The Ride to the Abyss》被安錫國際動畫影展 (Festival d'Annecy) 和雜誌《Variety》於2006年列為百部最具影響力的動畫電影之一。

2002年,《The Girl and the Clouds》獲得瑞士電影獎(Swiss Film Awards)最佳短片獎(Best Short Film Award),2016年《Erlkönig》獲得瑞士電影獎(Swiss Film Awards) 最佳動畫片獎 (Best Animated Film Award)。Schwizgebel於2017年在安錫國際動畫影展(Festival d'Annecy)獲得水晶終身成就獎(Honorary Cristal),2018年獲得榮譽瑞士電影獎(Honorary Swiss Film Award),2019年被授予法國藝術與文學勳章(Ordre des Arts et des Lettres),2020年在薩格勒布世界動畫電影節(Animafest Zagreb)獲得終身成就獎(Lifetime Achievement)。


Louis Schwizgebel

Louis Schwizgebel was born in 1987 in Geneva. He studied with Brigitte Meyer in Lausanne and Pascal Devoyon in Berlin, and then later at the Juilliard School with Emanuel Ax and Robert McDonald, and at London’s Royal Academy of Music with Pascal Nemirovski. At the age of seventeen he won the Geneva International Music Competition and, two years later, the Young Concert Artists International Auditions in New York. In 2012 he won second prize at the Leeds International Piano Competition and in 2013 he became a BBC New Generation Artist.

Schwizgebel has been described as “a genuine virtuoso, a spirited young genius with real depth” (Fono Forum) and an “insightful musician” (New York Times). He is praised repeatedly for his poise, elegance, imagination, expressive lyricism and crystalline articulation. He performs regularly in recital and with the finest orchestras across the globe and has received critical acclaim for his recordings.

In solo recital and chamber music, Schwizgebel performs regularly at the major festivals and halls including most recently London’s Wigmore, Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw, Rheingau Festival, Klavierfest Ruhr, Lille Piano Festival and Singapore International Piano Festival and performs chamber music with Benjamin Beilman, Narek Hakhnazaryan, Renaud Capuçon and Alina Ibragimova.


1987年出生於日內瓦。他曾在洛桑師隨Brigitte Meyer,柏林師隨Pascal Devoyon,之後在朱利亞德學院師隨Emanuel Ax和Robert McDonald,以及在倫敦的英國皇家音樂學院(Royal Academy of Music)跟隨Pascal Nemirovski學習。17歲時,他贏得了日內瓦國際鋼琴大賽(Geneva International Music Competition) 的獎項,兩年後在紐約國際青年藝術家鋼琴大賽 (Young Concert Artists International Auditions) 中獲勝。2012年,他在英國里茲國際鋼琴大賽(Leeds International Piano Competition) 中獲得第二名,2013年成為BBC新一代藝術家 (BBC New Generation Artist)。


Schwizgebel被描述為「一位真正的藝術大師,一位充滿深度的充滿活力的年輕天才」(Fono 論壇)和一位「有見地的音樂家」(紐約時報)。他的沉著、優雅、想像力、富有表現力的抒情性和水晶般的清晰度一再受到稱讚。他定期參加獨奏會並與全球最優秀的管弦樂團合作演出,並因其錄音而廣受讚譽。


在獨奏和室內樂方面,Schwizgebel定期在各大音樂節和音樂廳演出,包括最近的倫敦威格莫爾(Wigmore)、阿姆斯特丹音樂廳、萊茵高音樂節(Rheingau Festival)、魯爾音樂節(Klavierfest Ruhr)、里爾鋼琴節(Lille Piano Festival)和新加坡國際鋼琴節(Singapore International Piano Festival),與Benjamin Beilman、Narek Hakhnazarya、Renaud Capuçon及Alina Ibragimova等藝術家合作。


Explore further

Film and music - Georges and Louis Schwizgebel


Online Registration

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  • Free admission
  • Online registration is required.


  • Please arrive at the venue 15 minutes before the showtime.
  • Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted.



  • Free-seating on first-come-first-served basis.
  • No food or drink is allowed.
  • Unauthorized photo-taking, audio or video recording is strictly prohibited.

  • Late-comers will be admitted only if there is a suitable break in the performance.
  • The organizer reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/or vary advertised programs, seating arrangement and audience capacity.
Event Format
Recommended For
Faculty and staff
General public
HKUST Family
PG students
UG students
Shaw Auditorium Unit
Center for the Arts

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