HKUST Summer Festival 2024 - Movie Screening and Sharing: Pai Niang Niang: The Last Osmanthus Blossom 

7:45pm - 9:45pm
Main Hall, Shaw Auditorium

The program will show the documentary Pai Niang Niang: The Last Osmanthus Blossom, followed by a sharing session with the film director Isabel Wong and Ms Kathy Fok, and a short performance by Ms Ashley Lin and the University Philharmonic Orchestra, HKUSTSU of selected original music pieces written for the musical.

Pai Niang Niang: The Last Osmanthus Blossom is a documentary bringing back to life the creation and production of the first ever Chinese-language musical, Pai Niang Niang, featuring Rebecca Pan 潘迪華 in the roles of the original playwright, singer and performer in the debut of 1972. Rebecca Pan used Broadway musical model to adapt the well-known Chinese Legend of the White Snake, blending Eastern and Western theatrical styles, which was groundbreaking in the 1970s.

Thanks to the rediscovery of a partial film record of the 1972 stage performance, the documentary was produced with the footage attached as the finale, restoring the glamour of the diva at the climax of her dazzling career that has spanned over more than half a century.


Director 導演:

Ms Wong Tsui Wah, Isabel — Screenwriter, director, multi-media producer, and curator
資深電影及電視編劇、紀錄片導演及策展人 — 黃翠華小姐 


Post-screening Sharing 映後談訪談:

Ms Kathy Fok — Music Director & Principal Conductor, The Hong Kong Children's Choir
香港兒童合唱團音樂總監兼首席指揮 — 霍嘉敏小姐


Guest Performance 演出嘉賓:

Dr Ken Cheng — Conductor, University Philharmonic Orchestra, HKUSTSU
香港科技大學學生會管弦樂團指揮 — 鄭永健博士

University Philharmonic Orchestra, HKUSTSU

Ms Ashley Lin — Singer-songwriter
唱作歌手 — 林愷鈴小姐


Synopsis 故事大綱

In March 1972, Rebecca Pan self-financed the production of the first ever Mandarin musical, Pai Niang Niang (1972) and performed for 60 times at Princess Theatre, Tsim Sha Tsui. This is not only a piece of history of Hong Kong art and culture, but also the most important milestone of Rebecca’s oeuvre. This work used the Broadway musical model to adapt the famous Chinese myth Legend of the White Snake. Bringing together Eastern and Western theatrical styles, the production combined Chinese traditional music, dance, costume and stage design with modern Western concepts. Despite this bold attempt, the resulting work was ahead of its time and was not a commercial success. Also, it was thought to have not been captured on film and faded into obscurity. In April, 2023, however, a partial film record of the performance was miraculously discovered. The restored surviving footage has become the finale of this documentary, Pai Niang Niang: The Last Osmanthus Blossom

This documentary is directed by director Wong Tsui-wah, Isabel. During the years of observation and excavation, Isabel has been looking for various aspects of Pai Niang Niang, and through this documentary, she recorded every detail of Pai Niang Niang.

The screening will be followed by a sharing session with the film director Isabel Wong and Kathy Fok. Young singer-songwriter Ashley Lin will perform a well-known song of Rebecca Pan and the University Philharmonic Orchestra at HKUSTSU will also perform selected original music pieces composed for the musical, allowing the audience to experience the enchanting charm of Pai Niang Niang once again.






About the Director 導演簡介

Wong Tsui Wah, Isabel is a screenwriter, director, multi-media producer, and curator. 


She has worked in television as a script reviewer for drama content and as a programme producer for variety shows. She has written more than 20 drama series, and she has produced music programmes and award ceremonies. In 2021, she was appointed Content Director of TVB Music Group, with a focus on album and concert production. She founded the studio Artcanteen and is passionate about documentary filmmaking. In 2022, she curated a photo exhibition of Ms Rebecca Pan - Rebecca Pan Wan Ching Will The Orange Blossom Smile Photo Journey. She is working on a documentary celebrating the achievements of Filipino musicians in Hong Kong.

黃翠華曾任職電視台,擔任戲劇科劇本審閱,參與創作超過二十部劇集;後期主理音樂節目同時參與各類型音樂會及演唱會策劃和製作。2021年出任電視台附屬唱片公司內容總監。現擁有自己的工作室 「藝術糧倉」,從事多媒體創作及製作,並熱衷紀錄片製作。2022年策展了「潘迪華.花弄影.珍藏相片展」及正在攝製有關在港菲律賓裔音樂人對亞洲流行音樂貢獻的紀錄電影。


Ticketing Information 票務資料

Ticket Price 票價:$85 / $68 (Concession)

Tickets are now available at Art-mate 


Click Here



  • Free seating.

  • Concessionary tickets are available for full-time students, citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and a companion, wheelchair users and a companion, and comprehensive social security assistance recipient (CSSA) recipients.


  • The organizer reserves the right to request proof of eligibility from concessionary ticket holders upon admission.

  • Concessionary tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to availability.


Admission Rules 入場守則

  • Audience of age 6 or above are welcome.
  • Audience is strongly advised to arrive punctually. Latecomers will only be admitted at a suitable break.
  • No Food or drinks are allowed.
  • Unauthorized photo-taking, audio and video recording are strictly prohibited.
  • Presenter reserves the right to change the program and artists without prior notice.
  • Admission by ticket, each ticket admits one person only. 
Recommended For
Faculty and staff
General public
HKUST Family
PG students
UG students
Shaw Auditorium Unit
Center for the Arts
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