Connect for Change 2024 - Global Service Day

09:00am - 05:00pm

HKUST is thrilled to once again launch the Global Service Day this year, bringing together all members of the University to actively engage with the community. Join us in April as we participate in various community services. Together, we will Connect for Change and make a lasting impact!


All services offered in Global Service Day are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Choose the goals that resonate with you and make a meaningful contribution. Let's work together to create a better world for all!


SDG 3 Good Health and Well Being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

·        Joyful Family Tour @HKUST 科大親子樂悠遊*

·        Be a Trendy Elderly 今「耆」流行*

·        Nature Guard 大自然守護者*

·        Smartphone Academy for Elderly 智能手機長者學堂*

·        Light Up Lives 生命因你再現姿彩

·        Senior Scavenger Hunt 城市奪寶「耆」兵*

SDG 4 Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

·        STEM with Them  與你同學STEM (Apr 2024)*

·        English Explorers @HKUST 親子英文科大遊

·        Brushstrokes and Delight with Kids 童趣大集繪*


SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities

Empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all

·        "Step Up" Your Love @Shamshuipo 傳「深」傳愛上樓探訪服務*

·        Volunteering @Crossroads 國際十字路會義工服務

·        Reach Out to Migrant Domestic Workers 樂也「傭」融

·        Accessible Adventure@HKUST 科大無障探索之旅*

·        Care for the Street Sleepers @Yau Tsim Mong 愛在街頭 - 探訪油尖旺露宿者服務*

·        EMbark a journey @HKUST 陪「里」遊科大

·        PHAB Friendship 天弱有情*


SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production 

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

·        Volunteering @Feeding Hong Kong Warehouse 食物銀行倉庫義工服務

·        HKUST Bread Run 惜食 • 麵包收集活動

·        Food Recycling Action @Wet Market 糧善 - 剩食回收行動*

·        Volunteering @Food Angel 惜食堂「豐膳」行動*


SDG 15 Life on Land

Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, protect biodiversity to pursue sustainable livelihood opportunities

·        Hike Without Trace 行山不留痕

·        Beach Clean Up @HKUST 科大海岸清潔

·        Cat Shelter "Purr-fecting" Action 貓舍清潔大行動*

·        Volunteering @Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve 服務在鳳園

·        In Step with Dogs 同步手牽狗

·        Bunny Rescue Revamp 兔兔關愛行動 (Apr 2024)*


You also can serve online, no matter where you are: Mapathon @HKUST 科大地圖松 (Apr 2024)


* The partner organizations require participating volunteers to be fluent in Cantonese.


[HMAW1905] The service opportunities are recognized events in "Self-directed Experience" component of HMAW1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. Students who attended the event in full will attain course hours, subject to the actual service hours confirmed by the partner organization.


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