Copper Etching Workshop
現代版畫是指運用傳統印刷的技術所創作的藝術作品, 以展現富質感的精緻線條, 常用於印製藏書票或紀念紙幣。 本版畫工作坊將由版畫藝術家帶領大家探索凹版印刷技藝, 使用銅版蝕刻的技法製作專屬的銅版畫。
每位參與者將完成一件獨一無二, 并附以精美包裝的個人作品 。本工作坊將以粵語進行, 亦可提供英文摘要。須預付按金港幣$50,出席活動後將會獲全數退還。
Printmaking are widely used as a technique to reproduce images. Intaglio or etchings are one of those early printing methods which celebrates the finest details of line. Through this workshop we are going to explore how an intaglio print was done.
Each participant will complete a unique personal work to express their creativity by making a copper etching. This workshop will be conducted in Cantonese with English summaries provided for support.
A deposit of HKD $50 is required in advance, and it will be fully refunded after attending the event.
Event Format
Recommended For
UG students
PG students
Faculty and staff
More Information
Creative Media Zone | MTPC