Inclusive Online Session – Hearing Impaired 「網上共融學堂」- 聾人篇

12:00pm - 01:00pm
試想像聽不到聲音,你如何和別人溝通?你的生活會變得諸多不便嗎? 根據2013年調查指出,香港估計有155,200聽覺有困難的人士。聽力損失的構成原因和程度因人而異,對日常生活、工作有不同程度的影響。黑暗中對話(香港)基金會致力透過創新對話體驗,由聾人帶領網上共融學堂,透過互動遊戲,生活故事分享,參加者可以了解他們的工作和生活中面對的挑戰與困難及解決方法,為公眾帶來社會包容、多樣性和平等新視角。社會上不同的殘疾人士 (如視障人士、聾人等),他們都擁有獨特能力,對話體驗稱為「多元人才」,機構提供平台讓他們發揮所長,令「健全」的人重新認識「多元人才」並獲得新的知識及體悟,與「多元人才」攜手共創社會效益。


Join this Human Library to have a dialogue with difference and understand the struggles faced by hearing impaired people.Can you imagine your life without sound? In Hong Kong, an estimated 2.2% of the total population has a hearing impairment in 2013. Hearing impairment differs in types and degrees. Many hearing impaired people encounter different levels of challenges in daily life.In the Inclusive Online workshop, facilitators will demonstrate how active "People of Differences" in Hong Kong crop with the situation and sort out solutions for their work and daily life in interactive ways. Don't miss the chance to get to know them.Dialogue Experience (DE) dedicates to engage People of Differences, people with disabilities such as the blind, the deaf etc., to create social impact. By providing innovative Impactainment (Entertainment with impact) and transformational experiences through dark and silence platforms, it brings new perspective of social inclusion, diversity and equality to all sectors of the community.


HLTH1010 Course Hours:Upon complete attendance of the workshop, participants may attain a maximum of 1 hours in "Wellness & Personal Enrichment Events" in the "Activities" module.Remarks:1. This opportunity requires participants to be proficient in Cantonese.2. The session will be interactive. You are required to switch on the camera to show as a support and to interact with the hearing impaired facilitators.3. To avoid interruption and hindering the progress of session, instructors may not admit new participants who are late for more than 15 minutes.4. Participants who are away from the session for 15 minutes or more may not be able to attain the HLTH1010 course hours.5. Faculty and staff who would like to join the event can email us at up by 25 April 2021 (Sun): 
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