UNIfy: Sustainable Living # NewNormal Edition - 靜觀與伸展體驗
儘管忙於適應生活及工作上的新常態,亦絕不能忽略身心靈的需要。#香港可持續校園聯盟 帶來「靜觀與伸展體驗」,邀請一眾大學成員一起學習透過靜觀及伸展連結身心,從有意識地關愛自己出發,學習善待環境,實踐可持續的生活模式。
日期:03.3.2021 (三 Wed)|6:30–7:30pm
合作夥伴:香港中文大學敬霆靜觀研究與培訓中心 (@cuhkcmrt)
○ 李錦培教授(香港中文大學醫學院賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院助理教授)
○ 陳慕寧女士 Molly(社會工作者 、靜觀及瑜伽導師)
更多 #Unify 網上體驗節目:http://www.hkscc.edu.hk/activities/JUC2021
The pandemic and the new normal have inspired new ways of living and reflection about the relationship between people and nature.
Pivoting on the notion of living sustainably in the new normal situation, the joint university sustainability campaign ‘UNIfy’ is back this March with a series of themed online experiences and events: #MindBodySoul , channelling your inner self through meditation and exercises; #EnvironmentalPsychology , deciphering our daily decision-making and behaviour; #Agriculture, connecting with our local farmers and telling stories of the land, city and food; and #WasteReduction, exploring the possibilities of recycling with smart features. Find out more at http://www.hkscc.edu.hk/activities/JUC2021