MPhil in Environmental Science, Policy and Management - Encouragement of electricity saving behaviour with real-time smart meters in university student residential hall
9:30am - 10:30am
Room 2302 (Lifts 17-18) 2/F Academic Building
With the aim of electricity conservation in university student residential hall, we designed an electricity saving interventions with energy data collected from real-time smart meter system to encourage electricity saving behaviour. The interventions included various components to provoke electricity conservation, including enhancement of environmental awareness, use of peer pressure, electricity information transparency, competition and rewards. From September 2017 to May 2018, two phases of interventions with over 200 participants were conducted in UG Hall VI in HKUST. Phase I intervention targeted the reduction of electricity by enhancing participants’ environmental awareness. A set of surveys were conducted to examine the changes in participants’ environmental awareness. The survey and energy results showed that the intervention group has an increase in environmental awareness with a promising electricity reduction when compared to the control group. Phase II Intervention aimed at electricity conservation through peer pressure. The intervention and focus group findings showed that peer pressure is a key determinant among the students to achieve electricity conservation. The interventions demonstrated electricity conservation utilizing real-time smart meter system with enhancement of environmental awareness and involvement of peer influence, thus resulting in electricity consumption behavioural change.
Ms. MAK Fu Ki

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