IoT Thrust Seminar - Advance Frontier of Autonomous Internet-of-Things (A-IoT) with Magnetic Sensing and Computational Intelligence in Energy Sector

9:30am - 10:30am
Zoom Meeting ID: 978 9498 9974, Passcode : iott

The power system is undergoing a revolutionary change such as the increasing popularity of renewable energy, a complex network with large data communication, and numerous power equipment with two-way energy flow. In order to promote the revolution of electric power production and consumption, it is more and more urgent to build a clean, low-carbon, safe, efficient, and intelligent power system. Meanwhile, computational intelligence (e.g., Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence) matures and becomes ubiquitous, which allows things to become smarter, more reliable, and more autonomous. In this talk, the speaker will talk about his work on how to develop autonomous Internet-of-Things (A-IoT) based on computational intelligence to realize a smarter and more reliable status-monitoring system for the power industry. Last but not the least, the speaker will share his insight for the research direction of A-IoT in future innovation.

讲者/ 表演者:
Dr. Ke Zhu

Dr. Ke Zhu received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with The University of Hong Kong in 2018, and continues his academic work as a Post-Doctoral Fellow with The University of Hong Kong between 2018 and 2019. Afterward, he has joined the industry to foster technology innovation for building a Smart Grid. His research interest lies in how to develop the autonomous Internet-of-Things (A-IoT) in the energy system (e.g., Smart Gird and Buildings). He has three patents (two U.S. and one Chinese) and has more than 20 IEEE journal/conference papers. Dr. Zhu is a member of the IEEE Magnetics Society (Hong Kong Chapter), and has assisted a series of conference organization for IEEE Magnetics Society.
