
PhD in Chemistry - Metal Complexes Containing Chalcogenolate and Bridging Nitrido Ligands

PhD in Chemistry - Metal Complexes Containing Chalcogenolate and Bridging Nitrido Ligands

Room 4504 (Lifts 25/26), 4/F Academic Building, HKUST
2018 年 8 月 23 日
PhD in Life Science - Elucidating the Mechanism Underlying Cell Cycle-related Neuronal Death

PhD in Life Science - Elucidating the Mechanism Underlying Cell Cycle-related Neuronal Death

Room 4503 (Lifts 25-26), 4/F Academic Building, HKUST
2018 年 8 月 23 日
PhD in Civil Engineering - Multiscale Modeling of Localized Failures in High-Porosity Cohesive Granular Materials

PhD in Civil Engineering - Multiscale Modeling of Localized Failures in High-Porosity Cohesive Granular Materials

由 土木及环境工程学系 主办
Room 6591 (Lifts 31-32), HKUST
2018 年 8 月 23 日
 A Solution to Your Skincare

MPhil in Tech Leader & Entrepre - Beauty Mate: A Solution to Your Skincare

Room 6573 (Lifts 29-30), 6/F Academic Building, HKUST
2018 年 8 月 22 日
PhD in Physics - Electrical Transport Studies of 3D Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 and Related Specific Structures

PhD in Physics - Electrical Transport Studies of 3D Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 and Related Specific Structures

Room 5508 (Lifts 25-26), 5/F Academic Building, HKUST
2018 年 8 月 22 日
MPhil in Life Science - Regulation of Osteopontin Signaling in Alzheimer's Disease

MPhil in Life Science - Regulation of Osteopontin Signaling in Alzheimer's Disease

Room 2306 (Lifts 17-18), 2/F Academic Building, HKUST
2018 年 8 月 22 日
PhD in Life Science - Forward and Reverse Mutations in Stages of Cancer Development

PhD in Life Science - Forward and Reverse Mutations in Stages of Cancer Development

Room 4504 (Lifts 25-26), 4/F Academic Building, HKUST
2018 年 8 月 22 日
MPhil in Mathematics - Zeta Integrals on Certain Non-simple Algebras

MPhil in Mathematics - Zeta Integrals on Certain Non-simple Algebras

Room 4472 (Lifts 25-26), 4/F Academic Building, HKUST
2018 年 8 月 22 日
PhD in Chem & Biomolecular Engg - Solid Formulations for Transdermal Delivery via Micro-Fabricated Needles

PhD in Chem & Biomolecular Engg - Solid Formulations for Transdermal Delivery via Micro-Fabricated Needles

Room 4582 (Lifts 29-30), 4/F Academic Building, HKUST
2018 年 8 月 22 日
PhD in Civil Engineering - Computational Modelling of Debris Flows and Their Interaction with Resisting Barriers Based on a Coupled CFD-DEM Approach

PhD in Civil Engineering - Computational Modelling of Debris Flows and Their Interaction with Resisting Barriers Based on a Coupled CFD-DEM Approach

由 土木及环境工程学系 主办
Room 6573 (Lifts 29-30), 6/F Academic Building, HKUST
2018 年 8 月 21 日
PhD in Life Science - Dual Roles for Human Ring Finger Protein 216 in Latency of Epstein-Barr Virus

PhD in Life Science - Dual Roles for Human Ring Finger Protein 216 in Latency of Epstein-Barr Virus

Room 5508 (Lifts 25-26), 5/F Academic Building, HKUST
2018 年 8 月 21 日
MPhil in Chemistry - Synthesis and Reactivity of Heterometallic Platinum-Ruthenium and Iron-Osmium Nitrido complexes
MPhil in Physics - Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Coated Sphere

MPhil in Physics - Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Coated Sphere

Room 5508 (Lifts 25-26), 5/F Academic Building, HKUST
2018 年 8 月 21 日