AIS Sustainability Seminar Series: Measuring Sustainability and Wellbeing
AIS Sustainability Seminar Series returns! You are cordially invited to our upcoming seminar on 30 October 2024, featuring Prof. Shunsuke Managi, Distinguished Professor of Technology and Policy and Director of Urban Institute from Kyushu University, Japan. Details as below:
Date: 30 October 2024 (Wed)
Time: 14:00 – 15:30 (HKT)
Format: In-person and Zoom
Venue: Room 2405 (Lift 17/18), Academic Building, HKUST
Topic: “Measuring Sustainability and Wellbeing”
Speaker: Prof. Shunsuke Managi, Distinguished Professor of Technology and Policy and Director of Urban Institute, Kyushu University, Japan
Moderator: Prof. Masaru Yarime, Division of Public Policy, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Measuring a country’s sustainable development by its gross domestic product (GDP) is insufficient to capture the loss of capital that determines future human welfare. To address this, we propose the inclusive wealth index, which integrates biophysical quantities and monetary values of natural, human, and produced capital. We analyzed the level of Inclusive Wealth and wellbeing in 163 countries over the past 30 years to assess sustainable development goals (SDGs) going beyond GDP. Global wealth has suffered significant losses in natural capital, with the biased accumulation of capital assets leading to unsustainable and unequal development. Our results underscore the critical role of natural capital and inclusive capital management in sustainable development. Policymakers can use this information to make capital investments in their economies and promote recovery from COVID-19 that aligns with the SDGs, the Paris Climate Agreement, and initiatives beyond GDP. Policy guidelines based on well-being further enrich our understanding by utilizing spatial and time series analysis.
Shunsuke Managi is the Distinguished Professor of Technology and Policy & Director of the Urban Institute at Kyushu University, Japan. He is a director for the United Nations Inclusive Wealth Report 2018 and IWR2023, ISC working group member for the UN Global Sustainable Development Report 2023, a member of the UN Network of Economic Statisticians - Round Table on Measuring Capitals for Sustainability, a lead author for the IPCC, a coordinating lead author for the IPBES, a coordinating lead author UNESCO Education Assessment, lead author of Policy Briefs T20 for the Presidency of G20 in 2022, 2023, and an editor of Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics, 2e, and the Routledge Handbook of Environmental Economics in Asia. He is the co-chair of the Scientific Committee of the 2018 World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists. In 2020, he was elected as a council member of the Science Council of Japan. He was selected in Clarivate World’s Influential Researchers in Highly Cited Researchers 2023.